Xiaomi, Launched India last week, also launched its 10000mAh Mi Power Bank Pro with USB Type-C in China. The company additionally announced its Mi Box 3 Enhanced Edition media player.
Priced at CNY 149 (roughly Rs. 1,500), the power bank like other Mi Power Bank units sports an aluminium body along with temperature, input overload, short circuit, output overcurrent, and reset protection. It also features chipset protection and nine layers of circuit protection built by Texas Instruments.
The 10000mAh Mi Power Bank Pro comes with a cable that has USB Type-A connector on one end and a Micro-USB connector on the other. The highlights of the power bank are the inclusion of a Micro-USB Type-C adapter and two-way fast charging technology. It can output power from the Type-A connector and can be charged from the Type-C connector.
The 10000mAh Mi Power Bank Pro can deliver and draw 12V 1.5A, 9V 2A, or 5V 2A and can charge other smartphone accessories such as Bluetooth headphones, fitness bands and more as well. The company forum posts that, "10,000 Mi Power Bank Pro does support USB Type-C charging and you may charge up your Mi 5 and MacBook."
The Mi Power Bank Pro is said to be 42 percent thinner compared to the company's other 10000mAh power banks. The device is rated to go from 0 percent charge to full in 1 hour 50 minutes. Using the power bank, the company says users can charge their Mi Note for 2.5 times, iPhone 6 four times, and the iPad Mini 1.5 times. The 10000mAh Mi Power Bank Pro measures 128.5x75x12.6mm and weighs 223 grams.
As for the Xiaomi Mi Box 3 Enhanced Edition, the media player's highlight is its faster processor over the Mi Box 3, said to be 80 percent faster than the processor inside the standard Mi Box 3. The Mi Box 3 Enhanced Edition comes with an improved cooling system along with a fan. On the connectivity front, the box now has Wi-Fi 802.11ac 2x2 delivering transfer speeds of 300Mbps, along with Bluetooth v4.1. The box is priced at CNY 399 (roughly Rs. 4,100).