HowTo: Root Redmi 2 Prime Lollipop Using Stock Mi Recovery

This will root your device through Stock MI Recovery(Works with TWRP also), but this is not Native Root. A new app named SuperSU will be installed, which will give root Permission.

Note : - Rooting does not Void Warranty.

This is a safe process, but I am not responsible for anything bad that happens to your phone.
In most cases this approach of rooting should not block OTA updates.


1. Download the and Copy the file to the folder 'Internal storage' (root of internal storage)
(File at the end of Of Post)

2. Open The Updater App, Press the 3 dots at Right Top Corner,  A menu will open. Tap on �Choose Update Package� and select the File.
(If Your Bootloade Is Locked Please Unlock It First From Here First

3. Wait until device will reboot.

4. After reboot a new app SuperSu will be installed

5. Open the app and Choose"Continue"

6. Choose "Normal", Don't Choose TWRP/CWM, device will go into Boot Loop.
Note:- Don't Choose TWRP/CWM, it will brick your device.

7. After sucessful updation , press ok.

8. Done!, Your Phone has now Root Permission.

Open any app using Root permission and SuperSU will ask for Permission.

Enjoy your rooted Redmi 2/Prime.

Un Root The Device:-

To Un Root , open the SuperSU app,tap on Settings, Choose Full Unroot.

Your Device is Un Rooted Sucessfully.The SuperSU app will be removed.

Thanks to @Fksgs2 and @Technoking2020 for their support.
Thanks to @Venky47 and @Duderrify for their help.

Special Thanks To Muz_Paray For This Guide 

Download: Redmi2pLRoot.Zip

(Please Not U May Need To Sign To Ur Mi A/c On The Next Page To Download The Attachment Coz It's Originally Posted On MiUi Fourms)

Source: MiUi Forums

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